Mystery Box
If you are more interested in a fun surprise than picking your favorite molds and colors, let me pick for you. Terminal Velocity offers Mystery Boxes in three different sizes - 3 disc, 4 disc and 5 discs. These boxes will be built to your specifications, so please add what preferences you like (company, color, mold, disc slot, weight, shirt, hat). I will usually include a signature disc, and then two stock disc. These boxes will include no more than two signature discs, if both are signature discs, the third disc will be stock or base.
*You can substitute accessories/shirts/hats for a disc, just let me know in the notes, along with your size.
For Example -
- 3 Disc Mystery Box -
Notes: I like the color orange, and max weight discs. I don’t care which manufacture but I like star plastic and am looking for an over stable mid range.
Example of Box Received -
Orange Garrett Gurthie Emperor, S line DD3, C line MD4.